Our Truck

Fully equipped to handle any event or need.

FOR SALE: CONTACT LOREN AT (970)888-2878 for details

About Us

We come from Thailand just to bring you the authentic tastes of our homeland

Our chef and dishes are from Nahkon Ratchasima in North East Thailand. This region is known for its spicy and earthly tasting cuisine along with its vast rice fields, lakes, and mountains.

It is common in our family to get together for many occasions. A simple curry to large family celebrations for a feast are our specialties. We don't need much of an excuse! We enjoy hosting our friends, family, and partners for all occasions and it makes us happy when doing so.

We've honed our skills hosting parties and cooking for our large family. We pride ourselves on providing the most authentic Thai food you can get in Colorado. Please let us share our love for food and Thai culture with you! 

Wat Donchompu with sunset
Baan Thai rice fields
Top: Our Wat Ban Don Chomphu under a beautiful sunset. Bottom: Our rice fields in Nahkon Ratchasima